The Weller Technology
The Wellermotor
is one of the inventions that can and will change the world of motors!
Synchronous Servo Motor, size 42mm x 42 mm, 4000 revolutions
Length: 100mm
Output: 100 watts

Length: 70mm
Output: 150 watts
Brief description

To achieve this the rotor is used as a tool.
With an eccentric rolling motion against the coil bulge, the rotor turns the winding against an abutment. Afterwards the rotor can turn freely in the air gap and finally function as intended and provide mechanical energy via the centrically mounted axis.
A detailed functional description can be found both in the patent specification and in the special technical description.
It could be significant for electric cars:

only limited by the electrical resistance of the excitation winding,
so in practical use, the motor can be overloaded by a factor of 10 to 15 for brief periods.
This feature is particularly beneficial for acceleration in electric cars.
A motor with a rated output of 20 KW serves as an example.
In this case, an acceleration capacity of 200 KW to 300 KW would then be available!

In contrast to the current state of the art technology:
The motor with stator winding in the gearing generates the force field outside the field of action and already reaches the absolute power limit with about 3 times overload.
The 20 KW motor can thus generate about 60 KW.
Awards for Weller Technology

The Wellermotor was nominated as one of the Top 10 in the “Powertrain & Electronics” category. (www.ecartec.com)
The jury member Evelyn Duarte Martines described the business idea by saying:
“This internationally patented invention appeals to a market with billions in sales and offers established manufacturers cost advantages of up to 20 per cent with consistent miniaturisation.”
(You can find the complete text in the 2016 Futuresax competition documents)
Market Introduction
We are looking for companies, technicians, engineers or tool manufacturers who are interested in using this innovative technology to revolutionise the market.
The website provides detailed information about the technique, the advantages, the application areas and the market introduction.
If you are interested in having a personal conversation, I would be delighted to hear from you.
Best, Traugott Weller.